New Hall - Sternberg Madonna

One of the most important works of the beautiful style in the Czech lands and a unique part of the exhibition is the Sternberg Madonna. The rendition of Our Lady with Jesus is full of symbols typical of medieval art. For example, the Madonna is wrapped in a little red coat, whose colour symbolizes the future of Christ's suffering. On her head, originally decorated by the high crown of the Queen of Heaven, lies a white veil referring to the identification of the Virgin Mary with the Church, the bride of Christ. And furthermore, the infant Jesus holds an apple in his left hand, a symbol of the original sin that characterizes the Virgin Mary as the new Eve whose son becomes the Redeemer.

While the symbolism of the details can be revealed, it is more complicated with the authors of the statue. From a small engraved sign on the back of the sculpture, experts believe that the creator could be the well-known medieval artist and builder Jindřich Parléř, who carved several statues for the Prague church of St. Vitus, or possibly his son Jan.