Ceremonial entrance of Cardinal Troyer to Olomouc
Almost like on a cinema screen we can see with what glory Cardinal Troyer entered Olomouc in August 1747 to be brought to the Bishop's Court. On a background of Olomouc houses is painted a long, hierarchically arranged parade. At the head are the city guards on horseback, followed by the carriages of the abbots from the nearby monasteries. Behind them there are the vassals of the bishop and musicians on horses and in carriages. At the very centre of the procession, Bishop Troyer rides in a magnificent carriage surrounded by soldiers in ceremonial uniform. The Episcopal carriage is followed by canons, also in richly decorated carriages, some of which were borrowed from the bishop. At the end of the procession are the much more modest carriages of the city councillors. Though it was painted more than thirty years after the event, it provides a vivid idea of the celebration and the role the carriage played in it. It is clear that the introduction of Cardinal Troyer to the Episcopal Church was a major social and cultural event.
Bishop Troyer was one of the last dignitaries to enjoy such pompous celebrations and he invested a lot of money in them. In the 19th century, the inauguration festivities were much more modest. However, the ceremonial carriage served Olomouc bishops in the years to come, as evidenced by the repairs that kept it in a functional state.
Now we can go directly from the Coach House to the Treasure House of the Archdiocesan Museum.